Postcard front:
Emily invigorates
My soul with gorgeous poems.
Her slant rhymes and her hymnal verse
Sing out to the whole world.
In dreams we wander down the path
Just wide enough for two.
We converse with our friends, the hills,
And I’m nobody too.
In life she comes alive through words
I revisit each day;
Her remarks full of clever wit
Still create joy today.
To Emily I am in debt
For poems, which changed my life,
For causing in me a desire,
Like her, to read and write.
Postcard verso:
Dear Emily
Your poems speak volumes and
bring such joy to the world that
never wrote to you. Due to your
verse, I have found solace in sorows,
celebrated joys, and attended
Mount Holyoke College. Thank you
for the legacy you left behind in
letters and poems; you’ll never
understand the tremendous
impact they’ve had.