Color postcard of Alba, Italy

from Italia

Postcard verso:

                                 Nov. 19, 2019

Thank you Emily for keeping us good
company from the eternity…
I visited the Museum in 2015 and I
loved it and Amherst, too —
     Impossibility, like Wine
     Exhilarates the Man
     Who tastes it; Possibility
     Is flavorless — Combine
     A Chance’s faintest tincture
     And in the former Dram
     Enchantment makes ingredient
     As certainly as Doom.
Ciao !!! from Italia and the land of
                        vineyards and wines.
                        Francesca Toppino (last name?)


Postcard from Tarquinia

Ashore at last!

Postcard verso, page left:

Nov. 6 2019

Dear Emily —
     When I visited 
the Etruscan Tombs
last year, I gazed at
the 2500+ years old
cemeteries and thought of
your words:
        “Land, ho! Eternity!
         Ashore at last!”
             With love —
         Terri Elders

Postcard verso, page right:

#Postcards To Emily

Postcard of ferris wheel and eiffle tower

a chin of gold

Postcard verso:

We are a godson & godmother
Team. Rai is 11 years old
and discovered Emily work
when his mom home schooled
him. He loves the poem
“the moon is but a chin
of gold. I became enamored 
with Emily in the 4th grade.
We are wishing Emily a very
Happy Birthday!
     Rai-ben & Susane Pedo (first name? last name?)

Color postcard of countryside and Irish thank you

kindred spirit

Postcard verso:


Here sits a kindred spirit,
100 years away,
3000 miles between our worlds
And yet by Destiny —
I found your words, Compassion breathes —
New life into this soul
Now as you rest with Angels
Your Little Birds still sing!





Color postcard of Wroclaw landmarks

The morning dew and The wild grass

Postcard verso:

The morning dew
The wild grass

You are the romantic morning dew
and I am the wild grass
every morning I wake up with a
crown on my head
a beautiful crystal drop!
You risk your life to be with me
because we both know —
the sun will kill you…
∼ NI made Rimawati – Stach (last name?)

Emily, you inspired me to be a poet <3

Postcard of New York skyline at sunset


Postcard verso:

I was named after E.D.,
attended the same college she
did, and have also found
comfort in words. She has
always been a constant in
my life. Affectionately, Emily I.
The bittersweet memories return
after a long winter’s nap.
Nostalgia’s hibernation
has come to a close.
The buddings of Forget-Me-Nots
Heartache yawns as it pulls
itself out of its warm, lonely home
carved out of footprints.
                  And the familiar feeling
                  of the familiar leaves the
                  air stale with the grip of déjà vu.      -E.I.

Postcard of oil on canvas depicting seaside, William Merritt Chase

the reason I love to write

Postcard verso:

I was captivated by Emily
Dickinson’s incredible, boiling passion
which spun her poems,
and consumed her life.
I hope to become a published
writer and Dickinson’s passion
inspires me to never lose
sight of the reason I love
to write.

Postcard of the Van Wickle Gates of Brown University

the Bee and the Clover

Postcard verso:

Dear Emily —
          It is a surreal thing, sending
a card to your home. I in this
season of curdled cloud and leaves
falling away I am reminded of your
words: “Ashes denote that fire was —
               Revere the greyest pile
               For the departed creature’s sake
               That hovered there awhile —”
Thank you for the Bee and the Clover, which
I will preserve in anticipation of Spring.
With Love from Providence —
                                   Joshua Rex

Color postcard with illustration of girl with bird

blue cheeks

*content warning: suicide*

Postcard face:

i got a bird
when i was

i          named

Postcard verso:

Dear Emily,
     Your poem
Hope is the thing
with feathers
is the last
thing I wrote to
my daughter in a
letter before she
died by suicide 
at the age of 30
in March 2017.

Here she is at age 7 with her
And still I never lose hope.
                           <3  Amy

a robin sits on a blue shovel surrounded by flower pots

Summer in the Poet’s Garden with Marta McDowell, July 17 12:30-1:30pm

Homestead as seen from the Dickinson gardenSummer was arguably Dickinson’s favorite season: more of her poems are set in summer than any other time of year. It’s not hard to understand why–summer at the Homestead brought with it trumpeting lilies, fragrant old-garden roses, delicious strawberries, and stores of fresh vegetables.

Join Marta McDowell, master gardener, landscape historian, and author of Emily Dickinson’s Gardening Life for a virtual stroll through the Homestead gardens. Bring a cup of tea and spend an hour savoring blooms, stories, and verse gathered from Dickinson’s gardens. Learn about the flowers and plants Dickinson and her sister Lavinia cultivated in summer and how they preserved the fruits of their labor throughout the year.

This FREE program will be held on zoom from 12:30pm to 1:30pm EST. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.


Would you like Summer? Taste of our’s –
Spices? Buy – here!
Ill! We have Berries, for the parching!
Weary! Furloughs of Down!
Perplexed! Estates of Violet – Trouble ne’er looked on!
Captive! We bring Reprieve of Roses!
Fainting! Flasks of Air!
Even for Death – A Fairy medicine –
But, which is it – Sir?

About Marta
Marta McDowell teaches landscape history and horticulture at the New York Botanical Garden and consults for private clients and public gardens.  Her latest book is Emily Dickinson’s Gardening Life, 2019. Timber Press also published The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder, New York Times-bestselling All the Presidents’ Gardens, and Beatrix Potter’s Gardening Life, now in its seventh printing.  Marta is working on a new book about The Secret Garden and its author, Frances Hodgson Burnett, due out from Timber Press in 2022. She is the 2019 recipient of the Garden Club of America’s Sarah Chapman Francis Medal for outstanding literary achievement.