Postcard with collaged text and black ink illustration of children

the sacredness of solitude

Postcard verso:

Dearest Emily,

You are the reason I became a poet. I too,
have Ménière’s disease and migraines, and can’t stand
patterns…hence, I get the white dress. I too, treasure
the sacredness of solitude. I’ve memorized poems;
the first “I HAD A GUINEA GOLDEN.”

I want say, you can love a woman openly
w/ your words and body.

I wish I could be there for the celebration;
I’ll make to Amherst soon.
Perhaps this spring. We can write
by candlelight and you can teach me
to bake ginger cake.

Happiest of Birthdays!
With Love,
Ava C. Cipri

Color postcard depicting natural and domestic scenes.

a gift to the world

Postcard verso:

Greetings from:
• Southern VermoNT
• my internal
Life, world

Thank you, Emily
your birth was
a gift to the
world. I’ve sent this
on my own birthday,
                        EileeN Parks

Postcard face featuring a painting of a cottage by a lake

I have to slow down and experience it

Postcard verso, page left:

I usually don’t pay attention 
to poems all that much, but 
Emily Dickinson’s poems kind
of struck a chord with me.                                                       
The meanings behind each one 
where perfectly simple and it
wasn’t entirely convoluted and
difficult to decipher the
meaning. I particularly liked the
poems that were about how to
live your life, as this drawing
was inspired by her poem
regarding to “let the outdoors be
your church.” That poem resonated
with me and got me to think
that in order to live every
day in the life fully as the poem says,

Postcard verso, page right:

I have to slow down
and experience

it bit by bit.

-Jonathan Han
Sacred Heart

Postcard face featuring a watercolor painting of a frog and the text "How dreary, to be SOMEBODY How Public like a FROG"

not for fame, but for you and your friends and family

Postcard verso:

Dear Emily,
I admire you for
writing your poems not
for fame, but for you and
your friends and family.
Your beautiful poems show
how amazing and down to
earth you were. I love this
Poem specifically since we
are able to learn more
about why you only published
ten poems in your lifetime.

Clementine Devaux

Postcard face featuring a collage of images of birds over text

I loved your poem about a bird

Postcard verso:

Dear Emily,
I loved your poem 
about a bird. It made
me see nature in a
different light, and
notice things as small as
a bird eating a worm
raw. I love the idea of
birds and butterflies
swimming through the air
as they fly. Your writing
inspires me to notice the
outdoors and enjoy its

From, Evelyn Smith

Postcard face featuring a painting of a crow and the words "YOU ARE DEEPLY LOVED"

Is it time for my poem?

Postcard verso:

Dear Emily,
Last week I had a
dream where I asked, “Is it
time for my poem?” then
stepped in front of an audience
+ recited “Because I Could Not
Stop for Death.” I haven’t read
that poem since I was in high
school (I’m 33 now) + I can’t believe
I was able to recite it from memory – 
in my sleep! I think this speaks
to the enduring Power of your
poetry. Happy birthday!

Postcard face featuring a handwritten inscription in black ink and several stickers featuring cardinals

warm and wild and mighty

Postcard face:

In 2020, we celebrate the
inspiration of immigrants.
This note is in
honor of
Maggie Maher
“warm and wild and mighty”

Postcard face featuring a painting of palm trees and a ferris wheel in front of mountains, painted in watercolor with pen detail

Citrus Town

Postcard verso:

Citrus Town
Life in this town doesn’t make a
sound, As quiet as a mouse this makes
this town. Not a single argument in sight.
In this citrus Filled town – Not a peep
not even a squeak in this citrus filled
town. As the sun breaks through the clouds.
The Sun grows bright in this citrus town.
As the sun grows you do too in the
citrus filled town. As the Sun sets
and the moon grows you will never forget
this citrus town that you Know.

Bryan Medina

Postcard face featuring a pencil and marker drawing of a lit candle in front of a window, through which a crescent moon can be seen

Along the open grass

Postcard verso:

Along the open grass
with two eyes I see
Everything I want,
Everything I could be.
The smog flies in the
air, clouding the
breeze. The open grass
is dying but it’s waiting
on me. The trees blow
and whistle, in the winter
breeze. I wish it did
something, to calm all
my anxieties. on the needle’s
edge, is how the grass makes me
feel. The sun’s bright light is the
only thing that’s real. The
always tell me, it’s your divine
plan. Yet I can’t remove myself
from his hands. Along the open grass,
with 2 eyes I see, Everything I
want, everything I can’t be.

color postcard featuring a crayon and pencil drawing of two people talking. Person one says "I'm nobody who are you?", and person two replies, "I'm nobody. That means we are a pair"

to Emily Dickinson From Richard

Postcard verso:

To Emily Dickinson From Richard
I liked the poem
I’m Nobody who are you?
It was GREAT!