graphic Poetry, Spirituality, and New Forms of Attention - Tell It Slant 2024

Poetry, Spirituality, and New Forms of Attention:Wednesday, Sept. 25, 4:30pm ET

VIRTUAL PROGRAM — streaming live for online registrants

This program is FREE to attend. Registration is required. 
Part of the 2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival!

Join us for the 12th annual Tell it Slant Poetry Festival, a week of events happening both online and in-person at the Museum! Register here to access the Festival schedule:


graphic Poetry, Spirituality, and New Forms of Attention - Tell It Slant 2024Emily Dickinson’s poems interact with silence to open spaces of questioning, recognition, and keen attention to spiritual matters and questions of meaning. In this workshop, we’ll place our own poetry in the context of Dickinson’s poetry, offer a short guided meditation and generative prompts for participants to explore their own relation to silence, voice, and spiritual attention.

About the Poets

Rachel Zucker is the author The Poetics of Wrongness, SoundMachine, MOTHERs and eight other books. In addition to working as a labor doula, childbirth educator, and pearl stringer, Rachel has taught writing to people of all ages and, for the past thirteen years, to graduate and undergraduates at New York University. She is founder and host of the Commonplace podcast and directrix of The Commonplace School for Embodied Poetics.
Nadia Colburn is the author of I Say the Sky and The High Shelf. She holds a Ph.D. in English from Columbia University, is a yoga teacher, serious student of Thich Nhat Hanh and founder of Align Your Story Writing School, which brings traditional literary and creative writing studies together with mindfulness, embodied practices, and social and environmental engagement. Find her at, where she offers meditations and free resources for writers.

Support The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival and Honor Someone Special:

Admission to all Festival events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of this beloved annual event. All gifts are tax deductible and will be recognized as part of the Festival.

2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival Schedule

graphic Telling Our Medical Stories Slant - Tell It Slant 2024

Telling our Medical Stories Slant
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6:30pm ET

VIRTUAL PROGRAM — streaming live for online registrants

This program is FREE to attend. Registration is required. 
Part of the 2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival!

Join us for the 12th annual Tell it Slant Poetry Festival, a week of events happening both online and in-person at the Museum! Register here to access the Festival schedule:


graphic Telling Our Medical Stories Slant - Tell It Slant 2024SOLD OUT! — This program has reached maximum registrant capacity. We hope you’ll register for other Festival programs!

In this workshop, participants will learn how to translate their personal stories of illness and disability into poetry, something Dickinson herself practiced, and something that’s employed by practitioners of Narrative/Poetic Medicine.

The workshop, led by poets whose work centers around medicine and disability (from the perspectives of physician, caregiver, and as patients themselves) will be both reflective and generative and will include the reading and discussion of a medical poem by Dickinson as well as a poem by a contemporary “medical poet.” The workshop will culminate with a generative exercise involving the translation of participants’ medical histories into poetic form.

About the Poets

Catharine Clark-Sayles is a physician who recently retired after forty years in practice. She completed her MFA in poetry and narrative medicine at Dominican University of California in 2019. Her first two books of poetry, One Breath and Lifeboat, were published by Tebot Bach Press. A chapbook, Brats, was published by Finishing Line Press. Her fourth book, The Telling, The Listening, was published by Saint Julian Press in October 2023.

Rosemarie Dombrowski is the inaugural Poet Laureate of Phoenix, AZ, the founding editor of rinky dink press, and the founding director of Revisionary Arts, a nonprofit that facilitates self-care and healing through poetry. She’s published three collections of poetry and was the winner of the 2017 Split Rock Review chapboo competition. Her work has appeared in Poetry Daily,, on local NPR affiliates, national NPR podcasts, the TEDx stage, and elsewhere. She teaches at ASU.

Support The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival and Honor Someone Special:
Admission to all Festival events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of this beloved annual event. All gifts are tax deductible and will be recognized as part of the Festival.

2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival Schedule

graphic Our Roots as Muse_ - Tell It Slant 2024

Our Roots as Muse:
Family & Ancestry as Creative Inspiration
Rescheduled: Monday, October 14, 6pm ET

VIRTUAL PROGRAM — streaming live for online registrants

This program is FREE to attend. Registration is required. 
Part of the 2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival!

Join us for the 12th annual Tell it Slant Poetry Festival, a week of events happening both online and in-person at the Museum! Register here to access the Festival schedule:


SOLD OUT! — This program has reached maximum registrant capacity. Thank you for your interest!

Facilitators will lead participants in a series of generative writing exercises using personal family and ancestral history as creative inspiration and content. The workshop will allow time for writing and limited time for sharing excerpts in breakout rooms. Participants will leave the workshop with at least two writing sketches and other writing resources to continue developing their ideas and creatively archiving their own family histories.

About the Poets
Tamara J. Madison is a writer, poet, editor, and instructor currently living, working, and writing in Central
Florida. She is a MFA graduate of New England College with a focus in poetry. She is also the inaugural senior\ fellow of Anaphora Literary Arts. Her work has been reviewed and published in various journals and literary magazines including Poetry International, Cider Press Review, and World Literature Today. Her most recent full-length poetry collection, Threed, This Road Not Damascus, was published by Trio House Press (2019).

.CHISARAOKWU. is a transdisciplinary poet-artist, actor and writer of Igbo descent, and a 2023 California Arts Council Artist Fellow. Her work has been honored with awards and fellowships from the MacDowell, Cave Canem Fellow, Vermont Studio Center, PERIPLUS Collective, and Anaphora Arts. She is a 2022- graduate of the Brooklyn Poets Mentorship Program, and an alum of the 2022 Tin House Winter Workshop. Nominated for Best of Net (Poetry), Best New Poets (2022), and Best New Small Fiction (2022), her essays and poetry have appeared in academic and literary journals including Transition, PANK, midnight&indigo, and The New England Journal of Medicine.

Support The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival and Honor Someone Special:

Admission to all Festival events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of this beloved annual event. All gifts are tax deductible and will be recognized as part of the Festival.

2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival Schedule

graphic for poetry marathon 2024

Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon
September 23 – 29

VIRTUAL  and HYBRID Program (see date details below)

Part of the FREE 2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival

graphic for poetry marathon 2024

Come read with us and join in for the week-long Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon! An Emily Dickinson Museum tradition, the Marathon is a group reading of all 1,789 poems by Emily Dickinson over the course of 7 sessions. For this year’s hybrid Festival, some sessions will take place in-person and others online. For the Marathon, we will be reading from Ralph Franklin’s The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Reading Edition

Join us for the 12th annual Tell It Slant Poetry Festival, a week of events happening both online and in-person at the Museum! 


There are two ways to participate in each Marathon session: as a reader or as a listener.

  • Listeners sit back and enjoy the group reading, which beautifully blends the voices of volunteer readers coming to Dickinson from different places, times in their lives, and levels of familiarity with the Poet. Listeners can watch the Marathon online via Zoom all week long. Listeners can watch the Marathon online OR in-person during the hybrid sessions on Saturday and Sunday. To sign up as a listener, register through the main Festival page.
  • Readers volunteer to read 10-20 poems as part of the circle reading. Reader spots are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Readers of all levels of experience are invited to participate! To sign up as a reader, complete the separate Reader Registration below.


Monday, September 23:
6pm [Virtual] — Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon: Part 1

Tuesday, September 24:
12pm [Virtual] — Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon: Part 2, co-hosted by Amherst College’s Frost Library

Wednesday, September 25:
12pm [Virtual] — Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon: Part 3

Thursday, September 26:
12pm [Virtual] — Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon: Part 4, co-hosted by the Jones Library

Friday, September 27:
12pm [Virtual] — Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon: Part 5, co-hosted by the Emily Dickinson International Society

Saturday, September 28:
9:30am [Hybrid] — Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon: Part 6

Gingerbread cookies will be served!

Sunday, September 29:
2pm [Hybrid] — Emily Dickinson Poetry Marathon: Grand Finale

With coconut cake to celebrate!

Support The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival and Honor Someone Special:

Admission to all Festival events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of this beloved annual event. All gifts are tax deductible and will be recognized as part of the Festival.

2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival Schedule

graphic for delve into dickinson - Digital Dickinson The Museum’s Collection

Digital Dickinson
The Museum’s Collection
Wednesday, December 18, 6:30pm ET


graphic for delve into dickinson - Digital Dickinson The Museum’s CollectionFor any questions, please e-mail

Registration is required for this virtual program and is offered on a sliding scale from $5 – $20. View the full educator workshop lineup.
Please select the ticket price that is right for you, and consider supporting the Museum and the participation of other educators through your purchase. Tickets are non-refundable.


Join Elias Bradley, Education Programs Manager at the Emily Dickinson Museum, for an introduction to digital tools available for teaching and reading Dickinson. We’ll explore the materiality of Dickinson’s poetry and place through online resources that make her story more accessible than ever.

In this program, we’ll investigate pairings of poems with objects from the Museum’s digital collection and other repositories. What can personal domestic objects teach us about Dickinson’s life and her family’s pastimes, labors, and values? What can reading Dickinson’s poetry about the “lives” of man-made objects teach us about the force objects, themselves, exert on the world? Through discussion and prompts, we’ll consider strategies for reading objects as primary sources and how to use them to bring Dickinson’s material world to life.

Elias Bradley is the Education Programs Manager at the Emily Dickinson Museum, where they work to create inclusive opportunities for learning, connection, and creative expression. In addition to managing programs for K-12 and College students, they curate the Museum’s poetry discussion group and serve on the steering committee of the Tell It Slant Poetry Festival. Elias holds an MA with focuses in Nineteenth Century American Cultural History and Public History. Outside of work, they enjoy many hobbies, but the most Dickinsonian is exploring the flora and fauna of Western Massachusetts.

Marta Macdowell and a volunteer work in Dickinson's garden

Summer Garden Days 2024
July – October


My Garden — like the Beach —
Denotes there be — a Sea —
That’s Summer —
Such as These — the Pearls
She fetches — such as Me


The Emily Dickinson Museum gardens call for maintenance all season long! Come be a part of the cultivation and growth of the historic Dickinson family landscape. Join a small group of volunteers for a morning of Summer or Fall tending. Participants will help to weed, deadhead, plant new annuals, and more. Gardeners of all experience levels are welcome!

2024 Garden Sessions:
  • Monday, July 29th  9am – 12pm ET
  • Monday, August 26th  9am – 12pm ET
  • Saturday, September 21st 9am-12pm ET
  • Saturday, October 19th  9am – 12pm ET

Spots are limited; advance registration is required. 

To register for one or more sessions, please email with your name and the date you wish to volunteer. Staff will be in touch to confirm your participation.

Garden sessions will take place rain or shine! In extreme conditions, sessions may be canceled or rescheduled to the following Friday. Participants are expected to stay for the duration of their session.

Volunteers are encouraged to bring the following if they have them:

  • Gloves
  • Clean hand trowel and clippers
  • Bucket
  • Kneeling pad
  • Water bottle
  • Snack
  • Comfortable footwear
  • Sun protection

This in-person program is free to attend. Please email for session availability.

Want to join our garden volunteer mailing list to be the first to learn about future opportunities? Let us know at

Dickinson's daguerrotype tripled and colored in yellow blue and red

Delve Into Dickinson: Educator Workshops

Dickinson's daguerrotype tripled and colored in yellow blue and red

Join us for a new, virtual professional development series for educators exploring Dickinson’s life and poetry. Led by Museum staff and special guests, each participatory workshop will provide context and exercises that illuminate Dickinson’s frequently cryptic poetry. Space is limited; sign up today for one session or all five! Attendees will leave each 90-minute session with new teaching strategies and context to connect Dickinson to broader themes, from her material world to science, faith, and the Civil War. While other educators are welcome, this series is especially designed for middle and high school humanities teachers.

Workshops are available via sliding scale. Your ticket helps provide low-cost programs and supports the attendance of other educators. If the cost is prohibitive, but you would like to attend, please write us at edmprograms@emilydickinsonmuseum.

Professional Development certificates are available upon request — please e-mail edmprograms@emilydickinsonmuseum if you are interested.


Delve Into Dickinson: Educator Workshop 2024 Schedule:

graphic delve into dickinson - Through the Dark Sod – as Education –Thursday, August 22, 6:30pm

“Through the Dark Sod – as Education –”: Reading & Teaching Emily Dickinson’s Poems
Featuring Bruce Penniman






graphic delve into dickinson - Nature and God – I neither knewThursday, September 12, 6:30pm ET

“Nature and God – I neither knew” Emily Dickinson, “The Scientist of Faith”
Featuring Bruce Penniman






graphic delve into dickinson - It feels a shame to be Alive -Thursday, October 16, 6:30pm ET

“It feels a shame to be Alive -”: Emily Dickinson and the Civil War
Featuring Ivy Schweitzer and Al Salehi






graphic delve into dickinson - Dwelling in PossibilityThursday, November 21, 6:30pm ET

Dwelling in Possibility: The Pleasurable Path of What if Poems
Featuring Tess Taylor






graphic for delve into dickinson - Digital Dickinson The Museum’s CollectionWednesday, December 18, 6:30pm ET

Digital Dickinson: The Museum’s Collection 
Featuring Elias Bradley




graphic delve into dickinson - Dwelling in Possibility

Dwelling in Possibility
The Pleasurable Path of What if Poems
Thurs., November 21, 6:30pm ET


graphic delve into dickinson - Dwelling in PossibilityFor any questions, please e-mail

Registration is required for this virtual program and is offered on a sliding scale from $5 – $20. View the full educator workshop lineup.
Please select the ticket price that is right for you, and consider supporting the Museum and the participation of other educators through your purchase. Tickets are non-refundable.


Amid her many unforgettable poems, a surprising number of Emily Dickinson’s poems begin with an “IF”. 

If she had been the Mistletoe/ And I had been the Rose/ How gay upon your table/ My velvet life to close

If pain for peace prepares/ Lo what “Augustan” years— 

If I should die/ And you should live/ And time should gurgle on— 

These iffy openings not only destabilizes the present, it opens the poem to the richness and pleasure of multiple imaginative  realms.  Yet how does the “if” help us read Dickinson, and poetry more broadly? If we began our own writing with an if, what words or worlds might we discover?  In this workshop, we’ll examine Dickinson, as well as other poets across time,  looking at poems that begin in speculative space, exploring how we too might write poems that begin in surprise and motor towards wisdom, or delight. Our time will include close reading, discussion, and prompts.

Headshot of Tess Taylor

Headshot of Tess Taylor

Tess Taylor is the author of five acclaimed collections of poetry including Work & Days, which was named one of the 10 best books of poetry of 2016 by the New York Times. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, Tin House, The Times Literary Supplement, CNN, and the New York Times. Taylor has been Distinguished Fulbright US Scholar at the Seamus Heaney Centre in Queen’s University in Northern Ireland, and the Anne Spencer Poet-in-Residence at Randolph College. She has also served as on-air poetry reviewer for NPR’s All Things Considered for over a decade. Taylor lives in El Cerrito, California, where she tends to fruit trees and backyard chickens.



graphic delve into dickinson - It feels a shame to be Alive -

It feels a shame to be Alive
Dickinson and the Civil War
Weds., October 16, 6:30pm ET


graphic delve into dickinson - It feels a shame to be Alive -For any questions, please e-mail

Registration is required for this virtual program and is offered on a sliding scale from $5 – $20. View the full educator workshop lineup.
Please select the ticket price that is right for you, and consider supporting the Museum and the participation of other educators through your purchase. Tickets are non-refundable.


It feels a shame to be Alive –
When Men so brave – are dead –
One envies the Distinguished Dust –
Permitted – such a Head –
(fragment Fr524)

Although myths about Emily Dickinson portray her removed from the issues of her day, current scholarship proves that Dickinson was profoundly concerned with and affected by the issues that caused the American Civil War and wrote many poems about them, such as this one, which implicates the speaker directly in a kind of survivor’s guilt. In fact, in the summer of 2020 as we began to write poems about the Black Lives Matter movements, we looked to Dickinson’s extensive Civil War poems for inspiration about this earlier social movement to liberate Black lives. The result is our co-written collection of poems, Within Flesh: In Conversation with Our Selves and Emily Dickinson, published in 2024. Written by a Muslim man of Iranian descent and a Jewish woman from Brooklyn, it offers a unique three-way conversation over space and time about the history of social injustices and how we begin to repair ourselves and the broken world.

We will frame this seminar with readings from Within Flesh to illustrate how Dickinson’s poems facilitated our creative work on contemporary issues and can provide the impetus for your students to think deeply about the world around them. Our goal is to provide you with materials for a unit or assignment on Dickinson and the War as a mirror for exploring social movements of our own time. As a resource, we will use two posts from Ivy’s year-long and freely-accessible blog, “White Heat: Emily Dickinson in 1862”, which explores the Battle of Antietam and the use of photography (the new social medium of the day, which radically changed the reach and effect of the war.) We will discuss how to contextualize Dickinson’s war poetry, the poetic strategies she used to represent the war, and her recurring themes and images. We will end with a few of our poetic “conversations” as examples.

Joint headshot for poets Al Salehi and Ivy SchweitzerBorn in Southern California, Al Salehi is a multilingual American poet and entrepreneur of Persian descent who lives in Orange County with a background in technology. Al graduated from UCLA and went on to study at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Al is a graduate from Dartmouth College’s Guarini Graduate School where he studied Creative Writing, and currently serves on the Alumni Council. He also completed a creative writing program at the University of Oxford, Exeter College. Al’s short film Love, Basketball won second place in the My Hero International Film Festival, 2021, under the “Poetry” category. He has published and/or presented poetry in the Society of Classical Poets, The Dartmouth Writers Society, The United Nations Association, Southwest Airlines, O.C. Registrar, Dartmouth Leslie Center Lifeline’s Poetry Share, Houston Library Poetry Share, Clamantis Journal, and the Dartmouth Medical School Lifeline’s Journal. Al’s collection, Enter Atlas, was a Semi-Finalist for the University of Wisconsin’s Brittingham & Felix Pollak Prizes in Poetry, judged by Natasha Trethewey.

Born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised in a Jewish-American family, Ivy Schweitzer has lived in Vermont for many years and taught courses in American Literature and Women and Gender Studies at Dartmouth College. She has recently published poetry in Bloodroot Literary Magazine, Antiphon volume 19, Clear Poetry, Passager, Ritualwell, Tikkun, New Croton Review, Mississippi Review, and Spoon River Poetry Review. In 2018, she felt called by Emily Dickinson to spend a year immersed in that poet’s most creative period in which she wrote almost a poem a day; the result is a year-long weekly blog called White Heat: Emily Dickinson in 1862, In February 2024, she and Al Salehi published their co-written book of poetry titled “Within Flesh: In Conversation with Ourselves and Emily Dickinson.” Her solo collection, titled Tumult, Whitewash and Stretch Marks, will appear from Finishing Line Press in 2025.


graphic delve into dickinson - Nature and God – I neither knew

Nature and God – I neither knew
Dickinson, Scientist of Faith
Thursday, September 12, 6:30pm ET


graphic delve into dickinson - Nature and God – I neither knewFor any questions, please e-mail

Registration is required for this virtual program and is offered on a sliding scale from $5 – $20. View the full educator workshop lineup.
Please select the ticket price that is right for you, and consider supporting the Museum and the participation of other educators through your purchase. Tickets are non-refundable.


Nature and God – I neither knew
Yet Both so well knew Me
They startled, like Executors
Of My identity –
Yet Neither told – that I could learn –
My Secret as secure
As Herschel’s private interest
Or Mercury’s Affair –

Emily Dickinson’s opening claim in this poem is a bit disingenuous: her poems contain hundreds of references to nature and God. She “knew” them quite well, yet both continually “startled” her, and her true “identity” was an explorer of their “Secrets.”

Dickinson’s allusions to local flora and fauna, as in “The Lilac is an ancient shrub” and “A narrow Fellow in the Grass,” are well known, but her fascination with science extended to many fields, from astronomy (as in the Herschel reference above—he discovered Uranus) to geology (including five poems about volcanoes alone) to medicine (five about surgeons) to mathematics, technology, and many more (White).

Science, which she studied with great interest from her school days onward, and which was burgeoning with new developments during her lifetime, provided Dickinson the poet more than a rich technical lexicon and a trove of startling metaphors; it also offered a method for experimenting with spiritual problems.

In this workshop, we will read and discuss a range of Dickinson poems with scientific content and examine the ways they intersect with her lifelong struggles with religious faith, confirming or confounding her understandings of nature and human life. We will also explore contexts for teaching the “science poems.”

Work Cited: White, Fred D. “‘Sweet Skepticism of the Heart’: Science in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson.”College Literature, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 121–128.

headshot of a man with white hair, mustache, beard and glasses

Bruce M. Penniman, Ed.D., taught writing, speech, and literature at Amherst Regional High School for 36 years and is still an advisor to the Sene-Gambian Scholars exchange program there. He served as Site Director of the Western Massachusetts Writing Project at University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he has taught numerous graduate courses for teachers. In 1999 he was named Massachusetts Teacher of the Year and finalist for National Teacher of the Year, and he is the author of Building the English Classroom: Foundations, Support, Success (NCTE, 2009). He has been a teacher curriculum mentor in all four NEH Emily Dickinson: Person, Poetry, and Place workshops and has facilitated discussions for the Emily Dickinson Museum’s Poetry Discussion Group on topics ranging from “Emily Dickinson and the Bible” to “Emily Dickinson and Science.”
