Past Events

poetry festival

Amherst Poetry Festival, September 19-22, 2019

The Amherst Poetry Festival celebrates the literary legacy and contemporary creativity of the Pioneer Valley and beyond...
Group of people standing in a garden on the grounds of the museum

2018 Gardener Sessions with Marta McDowell

Each session with our Gardener-in-Residence includes public talks and workshops, and volunteer gardening opportunities...
Two volunteers dig in the garden at the Emily Dickinson Museum

UMASS Summer Field School in Historical Archaeology

May 29 - June 30 • Learn fundamental skills of archaeological research...
Poet reading at a microphone in the museum

Amherst Arts Night at the Emily Dickinson Museum

On first Thursdays of each month, see a pop-up art exhibition in the Homestead, participate in an open mic in Emily Dickinson’s parlor, and listen to featured readers share their written work...
Two volunteers dig in the garden at the Emily Dickinson Museum

Hands-On Archaeology at the Museum

June 13-16 In conjunction with the 2018 UMass Field School conducted at the Museum, try your hand at archaeology!...