the Homestead lights are on at night time

Phosphorescence Contemporary Poetry Series 2025

a banner for PHOSPHORESCENCE Contemporary Poetry Series

To Emily Dickinson, phosphorescence was a divine spark and the illuminating light behind learning — it was volatile, but transformative in nature. Produced by the Emily Dickinson Museum, the Phosphorescence Poetry Reading Series celebrates contemporary creativity that echoes Dickinson’s own revolutionary poetic voice. The Series features established and emerging poets whose work and backgrounds represent the diversity of the flourishing contemporary poetry scene. 

The 2025 Series is a FREE virtual program. Join us on Zoom on a Thursday each month to hear from poets around the world as they read their work and discuss what poetry and Dickinson mean to them.

Support Phosphorescence and Honor Someone Special:
Admission to all Phosphorescence events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of our programs. All gifts are tax deductible.
For more information on our upcoming Phosphorescence Readings, sign up for our e-newsletter.

Phosphorescence 2025 Schedule:

graphic Phos April 2025Thursday, April 17, 6pm ET

Featuring poets: Carlene Kucharczyk, Avia Tadmor, and Silvia Bonilla





graphic Phos May 2025Thursday, May 15, 6pm ET

Featuring poets: Joy Ladin, Niina Pollari, and Joan Larkin






graphic Phos July 2025Thursday, July 17, 6pm ET

Featuring poets: Lesley Wheeler and Nadia Alexis






graphic Phos August 2025Thursday, August 21, 6pm ET

Featuring poets: Cathy Linh Che, Monica Ong, and Lee Ann Roripaugh






graphic Phos September 2025Thursday, September 18, 6pm ET

Featuring poets: Livia Meneghin, Meg Day, and Rajiv Mohabir






Support Phosphorescence and Honor Someone Special:
Admission to all Phosphorescence events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of our programs. All gifts are tax deductible.


Posted in Past Events.