Located in the main block of the Homestead, the library is the first door on the right as you enter the front door. When the Dickinsons lived here, the room was filled with many books owned and read by the family. Today the room contains Dickinson family bookshelves, a desk, chairs, and a central table bearing a portable lap desk. This room has been restored to its 1860s appearance with brown trim colors, Italianate fireplace mantel, quatrefoil wallpaper with an oxblood flocked border, and ingrain carpet in reds, browns, and tans. A wall panel opens to reveal an earlier rainbow wallpaper in yellows, blues, and greens, which was left in situ and dates from the first period of the house. From a door beside the fireplace, Dickinson accessed her beloved conservatory, a sun-filled space where she tended precious plants during the cold seasons.
Dan Madsen Videography