VIRTUAL PROGRAM — streaming live for online registrants
This program is FREE to attend. Registration is required.
Part of the 2024 Tell It Slant Poetry Festival!
Join us for the 12th annual Tell it Slant Poetry Festival, a week of events happening both online and in-person at the Museum! Register here to access the Festival schedule:
SOLD OUT! — This program has reached maximum registrant capacity. Thank you for your interest!

About the Poets
Tamara J. Madison is a writer, poet, editor, and instructor currently living, working, and writing in Central
Florida. She is a MFA graduate of New England College with a focus in poetry. She is also the inaugural senior\ fellow of Anaphora Literary Arts. Her work has been reviewed and published in various journals and literary magazines including Poetry International, Cider Press Review, and World Literature Today. Her most recent full-length poetry collection, Threed, This Road Not Damascus, was published by Trio House Press (2019).
Support The Tell It Slant Poetry Festival and Honor Someone Special:
Admission to all Festival events is free, but online donations, especially those made in honor or memory of family, friends, or colleagues are heartily encouraged and vital to the future of this beloved annual event. All gifts are tax deductible and will be recognized as part of the Festival.